Periodic Shrub Maintenance
All bushes and shrubs will be trimmed as needed throughout the growing season, usually 5-6 times a year depending on plant type and growing conditions. This way the bushes will stay looking nice all year and the cost to trim them will be less than if we are only asked to do them a time or two during the season. This plan just covers the bushes and shrubs that will need trimming throughout the year. It doesn’t include any once a year trimming like for crepe myrtles or ornamental grasses because we won’t be trimming them several times a year. We still do that, it’s just not part of this plan. Let us know if you’d like a quote.
By Request Shrub Trimming
If you don’t want to be on the periodic shrub maintenance program, we can still do your bushes as frequently or infrequently as you like. Please make sure to schedule as early as you can, preferably two weeks ahead. We’ll need to come out and get you a quote for this work.